Britney Spears & Kevin Federline

World-famous pop star Britney Spears used to be married to performer Keven Federline. After dating for just a few months, Kevin asked Britney to marry him in 2004 and she said yes. In the same year, the former couple tied the knot. Soon they had their two sons Jayden James and Sean Preston. However, after three years of marriage, they decided to go their separate ways.

The split was not quiet, though, and lawyers were involved. Britney got custody of her children at the beginning, but a few months after the ruling, the court ordered that the kids’ custody should be with Kevin because of Britney’s lifestyle. The media was very much involved in Britney’s personal life, including the restoration of equal custody over the two boys when Britney was placed under conservatorship. The story has gotten a lot more attention as Hulu has just released a documentary called Framing Britney Spears in February 2021.
